

You know that meme from Finding Nemo that's like "Well, now what?" That's how I currently feel. I don't have much more to work on for this site except for the shrines (Madoka shrine soon) and the only reason I'll update the collection pages is if I buy a new CD or Blu-ray. I got you in my sights, Hell Like Heaven. I pretty much finished making this site and any future updates would just be more collection stuff, blog posts and bonus tracks. I had a lot of fun making this site and will have fun in the future updating it but I don't have any really big ideas. The original idea I had starting my site on Wordpress was just because I wanted to get a feel for what having a personal website is like. And I think I got my fill of that. I mean, the two reasons I decided to migrate Neocites was because I wanted to have infinite customization of literally everything and because I didn't want this random ass course I took on HTML and CSS to go to waste. Maybe I'll make an art page for my art and a page to put pictures of outfits I like. Alls I know is the two month period of me banging out updates left and right are joever. Actually it was over like three weeks ago but that was just because of laziness, not because I felt I completed everything. I guess what I'm trying to say is "and Viana wept, for there were no more ideas for pages to conquer."

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