Mobile and Madoka


Introducing a mobile layout and the Madoka Shrine. The current mobile layout is one I'm dubbing "mobile layout 0.1" because it's clearly not done yet. The shrines don't even have a mobile layout yet. But now the site should look decently ok on phones now. I'm thinking about making the nav a collapsable menu using the age old technique of copying and pasting someone else's code.
Madoka Magica shrine is made as well now. I'm gonna be honest. I gotta watch the entire show again to know what the hell to write on the episode summaries because I want them to be longer than one sentence long. I mean, imagine if all the summaries were "shit happened and then other shit happened." It wouldn't be that fun to read now would it?
Side note, I ordered Hell Like Heaven and The Garden, both by The Peggies, so the collection should have some jrock... whenever they get here.

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