Time I Called Someone a Slur in Elementary School


I wanna preface this by saying that my use of the other f word in this post is in an informative context and not meant to harm others.
One time in like grade 4 I called some kid who was getting on my nerves a faggot. I didn't know what that word meant. All I knew was it was something insulting. He then proceeded to tell the teacher and I got in shit. Naturally.
The funny part is that nobody explained to me what was so bad about that word. Like, whenever I asked an adult why I shouldn't call other kids "faggot" they acted like if I found out then satan himself will come out of the ground and demolish everything he so much as looks at.
I just want to know why they didn't simply say "it's a mean thing to call gay people." It would've informed me why I was in so much trouble, why I shouldn't call others it and stop my constant pestering of "why such bad word." But I guess being a small child meant I was too stupid to comprehend such a concept.
Grown-ups are stupid.
I hope that story is as amusing to you as it is me. Now, I want some soda after writing all that. I'm gonna go ask my mom for a Pepsi. I hope she just gives me my Pepsi and doesn't do anything like accusing me of being on drugs.

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