Accurate Description of Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica is the best anime. Ever. It has everything an anime needs. It has lesbians, it has action, it has a narrative that takes you on the greatest emotional rollercoaster of all time, each character has something to them and none of them feel uninteresting and watching it a second time makes the show even better. I cannot stress how much I love Madoka Magica and how it's the greatest piece of art ever made by the Japanese. Except maybe for The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife. Madoka Magica changed my worldview. I am not joking. And anyone who hasn't seen this masterpiece is leading a life that isn't worth living.
Episode Summaries and Thoughts
I try my best to describe each episode (and Rebellion) and how they made me feel. I am in no way a professional critic. I am in fact some teenager living with her parents. So maybe consider that little fact about myself when reading these.
1: I met Her in a Dream... or something
haha you thought I finished this section for a second didn't you?